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With our services we are supporting companies and organiations along the food supply chain.

Customers trust is the key for longterm profitability in the Agribusiness; for producers, traders, processors and retailers. Consumers appreciate high quality products and are ready to pay for an additional value either a higher price or to become loyal buyers.

To build and to keep a loyal clientele is a demanding responsibility on all levels; from inputs such as seeda to crop management, harvest, processing and distribution. The successful differentiation strategy needs a clear commitment from all actors along the supply chain, including a dedicated quality management and a continuous improvement process. And finally the added values should find its way into the communication with the consumers.


Agrobrain supports you with:

  • Determination of the corporate strategy and the product strategy
  • Working out a detailled implementation concept and business plan
  • Project management & -controlling
  • Active operational management during the implementation
  • Just in time and temporary complement of your human ressources. Es example during peaks of workload in projects
  • Expertises


Agrobrain has specific experience in the Eastern European Agribusiness. Use our personel experience and drive, when planning your projects in this region and ask us when concrete questions appear.

Contact us, we are happy to dedicate time for you....